Tag: Oracle/PLSQL


This article gives a brief overview of the important Oracle functionality that helps to facilitate the object-oriented programming process.Central to object-oriented programming in Oracle are...


Many PL/SQL developers believe that only database administrators and security specialists should take care of security. Indeed, some security aspects (e.g. user and privilege management) should...


The Oracle/PLSQL NUMTOYMINTERVAL function converts a numerical value into a value of type INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH. Function Oracle/PLSQL NUMTOYMINTERVAL syntax NUMTOYMINTERVAL( number_id,...


The Oracle/PLSQL NUMTODSINTERVAL function converts a numeric value into a value of INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND type. Syntax of the Oracle/PLSQL NUMTODSINTERVAL function: NUMTODSINTERVAL( number_id,...


The Oracle/PLSQL CONVERT function converts a string from one character set to another. CONVERT function syntax CONVERT( string1_id , char_set_to_id , [ char_set_from_id ] ) Parameters or...


The SQL SELECT operator is used to extract records from one or more tables in a SQL database. Syntax of the SELECT operator SELECTexpressions_id FROM tabs [WHERE conds] Parameters or...


In Oracle PL/SQL TRIM method removes all items from any collection type. This operation immediately frees up the memory allocated to the items to be removed. Syntax of TRIM collection method in...


DELETE method in Oracle PL/SQL, removes all elements from any collection type. This operation immediately frees up the memory allocated to the items to be removed. Syntax of the DELETE method in...


The Oracle/PLSQL CHARTOROWID function converts a character, varchar2_Id, NCHAR or NVARCHAR2 to ROWID. Syntax of the Oracle/PLSQL CHARTOROWID function CHARTOROWID( value1_Id )where:...


The Oracle/PLSQL CAST function converts (converts) one data type into another. Oracle/PLSQL CAST function syntax CAST ( { expr | ( subquery_id ) | MULTISET ( subquery_id ) } AS type_name_id...


The Oracle/PLSQL BIN_TO_NUM function converts the vector to the corresponding decimal number. Function Oracle/PLSQL syntax BIN_TO_NUM BIN_TO_NUM( expr1_id, expr2_id, ......


The Oracle/PLSQL LEAD function is an analytical function that allows you to query more than one row in a table, while not having a table to join. Returns values from the next row in the table. To...


Oracle/PLSQL LAST_VALUE function returns the last value in an ordered set of values from the analytical window. It is similar to the functions FIRST_VALUE and NTH_VALUE. Oracle/PLSQL syntax of...


Oracle/PLSQL LAG function is an analytical function that allows you to query more than one row in a table, while not having an attached table. This returns values from the previous row in the...


Oracle DBMS - Database software is the main software tool for managing large volumes of information today. A database management system (DBMS) must be able to reliably manage large volumes of...