Tag: Oracle SQL


 In Oracle PL/SQL Nested Tables is a column type that stores an unlimited row set in a certain order.When you extract a nested table value from a database into a Nested Tables...


In Oracle PL/SQL Varray (an array with variable size) is an array whose number of elements can vary from zero (empty) to the declared maximum size.To access a Varray element, use the...


In Oracle PL/SQL Associative Arrays, also known as index tables, which use arbitrary numbers and rows for index values.Associative Arrays is a set of key-value pairs where each key is unique...


In Oracle PL/SQL, the %TYPE attribute for a variable provides the database column data type. This is especially useful when declaring variables that will contain the values of the database table...


In Oracle PL/SQL, the %ROWTYPE attribute provides a record type representing a string in the Oracle database table (or view).A record may store an entire string of data selected from the...


Record type is a group of linked data elements stored in fields, each with its own name and data type. You can use Record as a variable, which may contain a table row or some columns (fields)...


Oracle BETWEEN condition (also called BETWEEN operator) is used to obtain values within a range in SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE sentences. Syntax of BETWEEN condition in...


Oracle IS NOT NULL condition  is used to check for the value NOT NULL. You can use the Oracle condition IS NOT NULL either in an SQL sentence or in a block of PLSQL code. Syntax for IS NOT...


The Oracle IS NULL condition is used to check the NULL value. You can use the IS NULL condition either in an SQL sentence or in a block of PLSQL code. Syntax for IS NULL condition in...


The Oracle IN condition (also called the IN operator) determines whether a value or a list of values corresponds to an expression in the specified resulting SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE...


Oracle condition REGEXP_LIKE allows to execute regular expressions in WHERE proposal in SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE queries. Syntax for REGEXP_LIKE in Oracle/PLSQL REGEXP_LIKE (...


Oracle condition LIKE allows to use wildcards which will be used in WHERE operator in SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE queries. This allows comparison with a pattern. LIKE syntax in...


The Oracle NOT condition (also called NOT operator) is used to negate the condition in SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE sentences. Syntax of the NOT condition in Oracle/PLSQL NOT...


Oracle AND and OR conditions can be combined in SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE operators.When combining these conditions, it is important to use parentheses so that the database knows how...


The Oracle OR condition (also called the OR statement) is used to check several conditions in which records are returned when a particular condition is true. It can be used in SELECT, INSERT,...


The Oracle condition AND (also called AND operator) is used to check two or more conditions of SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE operators. Syntax of the AND condition in Oracle/PLSQL WHERE...